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DADISICK Safety Edges Introduction Page

DADISICK Safety Edge
DADISICK safety edge:
The safety edge sensor is a rubber strip pressure-sensitive switch composed of a flexible and bendable strip that can be fixed at the edge of moving parts, such as AGV bodies, automatic doors, etc., to prevent injury to personnel and objects. Its main function is to monitor whether there are any abnormal situations in the working process of mechanical equipment, such as abnormal operation or encountering obstacles. In these situations, the power can be cut off in a timely manner to ensure the personal safety of workers.
Application scenarios:
DADISICK safety contact is a rubber strip pressure-sensitive sensor that can be used to detect the danger of moving parts squeezing or shearing people. It is a close proximity safety protection device for automatic equipment that meets the highest safety protection requirements and is used to ensure the safety of personnel in hazardous areas who may face dangerous situations such as pinching, squeezing, and collision.
Safety Edge Applications
Safety Edge Applications
Working principle:
The working principle of safety edge sensors mainly depends on their sensing ability. When the sensing range of the safety contact detects the entry of people or objects, it will trigger internal sensors, such as spring switches, to generate signal output. After these signals are received by the controller, they will immediately stop the movement of the relevant devices to ensure safety.
Application areas:
The safety edge sensor has a wide range of application scenarios. In the industrial manufacturing field, it can be used for robot control and monitoring, improving operational accuracy and safety; In the medical field, it can be used for the control and navigation of surgical robots to improve surgical accuracy; In the aerospace field, it can be used to monitor surface defects of aircraft and spacecraft; In the fields of gaming and virtual reality, it can enhance immersion; In the field of smart homes, it can be used for control and safety monitoring.
Safety Edge Applications
Products List                                                                                                                                                                         
DADISICK Safety Edge Equipment
Model: DB-PSE series
Detection method: Pressure sensing method
Maximum sensing angle:<90°
Trigger force: ≥ 25N-250N
Protection level: IP65
Response time: 13ms
Matching product                                                                                                                                                                
QL04-20-60BRF21B|Measuring Light Curtains|DADISICK
Beam spacing: 20mm Number of optical axes: 4 Protection height: 60mm
DT14 series|Rubber Hybrid Safety Mats|DADISICK
Safety carpet is a technology that monitors the pressure distribution on the carpet through pressure sensing.
20m Navigation Safety|Laser Scanning Radar|DADISICK
Sensing range 20m, A technique that uses a laser beam to measure distance and create detailed maps of objects and environments.
Ultrasonic sensors CSB12 series
Ultrasonic sensors are devices that use sound waves to measure distance.
OX-W3|The safety door switch with locking function|DADISICK
Used for monitoring places such as safety doors and windows.
1. Do you provide OEM services for your industrial safety edge sensors?
Yes, we offer comprehensive OEM services, including customized product selection and laser marking. Our team is dedicated to tailoring solutions to meet your specific requirements and specifications.
2. How does your product compare to competitors in the market?
Our industrial safety edge sensors stand out for their seamless interchangeability with other brands, ensuring easy integration and compatibility with existing systems. This capability sets us apart from our competitors, offering you flexibility and convenience in your safety solutions.
3. Can your sensors be customized for specific applications?
Absolutely! Our industrial safety edge sensors are designed with versatility in mind, allowing for easy customization to suit various industrial environments and applications. Whether it's manufacturing, robotics, or material handling, we can tailor our sensors to meet your needs.
4. What materials are your sensors made from, and how durable are they?
Our sensors are crafted from high-quality, durable materials that are built to withstand harsh industrial conditions. They undergo rigorous testing to ensure reliability and longevity, providing robust performance even in challenging environments.
5. Are your sensors easy to install and configure?
Yes, our industrial safety edge sensors are designed for easy installation and configuration. With user-friendly interfaces and clear instructions, you can quickly set up our sensors to meet the specific requirements of your workplace, minimizing downtime and ensuring continuous operation.
6. Do your sensors come with any warranty or support services?
Yes, we stand behind the quality of our products and offer warranties to guarantee their performance. Additionally, our dedicated support team is available to assist you with any technical questions or concerns you may have.
7. How can I request a quote or place an order for your sensors?
You can easily request a quote or place an order for our industrial safety edge sensors through our website or by contacting our sales team directly. We're here to help you find the best safety solution for your workplace needs.
8. What industries or applications are your sensors suitable for?
Our industrial safety edge sensors are suitable for a wide range of industries and applications, including automotive, manufacturing, material handling, and more. Their versatility makes them indispensable tools for enhancing workplace safety across various sectors.
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Normy jakości

Dzięki zaangażowaniu w zapewnienie produkcji przemysłowej od 18 lat DADISICK jest pionierem „Laboratorium niezawodności produktu”. Obejmuje to innowacyjne testy, takie jak testy wibracji, testy uderzeń, testy wodoodporności i pyłoszczelności oraz testy stabilności żywotności. Wszystko to ma na celu tworzenie siatek świetlnych bezpieczeństwa o doskonałej wydajności, stabilnej pracy i przyjaznej dla użytkownika funkcjonalności. Każdy zestaw produktów przechodzi rygorystyczne testy w celu zapewnienia integralności przed wysłaniem.

Bogate studia przypadków

Przez ostatnie 18 lat DADISICK poświęcał się badaniom i rozwojowi technologicznemu, innowacjom produktowym i praktycznym zastosowaniom. Dysponując bogatą wiedzą na temat produkcji na miejscu i automatyzacji, zapewniamy naszym klientom wsparcie. Nasze zaangażowanie polega na rozwoju przedsiębiorstw ochrony bezpieczeństwa, skoncentrowanych na zapobieganiu wypadkom przy tłoczeniu w produkcji. To zaangażowanie napędza ciągłą innowację i rozszerzanie naszej gamy produktów.

Badania i rozwój technologii

Firma DADISICK nieustannie angażuje się w rozwiązywanie wyzwań technicznych i krytycznych problemów na rynkach naszych klientów. Aby sprostać wysokim wymaganiom klientów, zapewniamy wysoką stabilność, precyzję i wydajność naszych produktów. Wszystko to ma na celu tworzenie siatek świetlnych bezpieczeństwa o doskonałej wydajności, stabilnej pracy i przyjaznej dla użytkownika funkcjonalności.

Szeroka linia produktów

Dzięki zróżnicowanej ofercie produktów oferujemy nie tylko 2000 własnych produktów DADISICK, ale także różne alternatywy marek, aby sprostać Twoim spersonalizowanym potrzebom. Nasi inżynierowie sprzedaży są gotowi w każdej chwili zapewnić kompleksowe wsparcie we wszystkich aspektach Twojej działalności. Od fazy projektowania i badań po wybór modelu, wskazówki na miejscu i pomoc operacyjną po przyjęciu produktu na linii produkcyjnej, jesteśmy tutaj dla Ciebie.