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The wide scanning range light curtain QT series

The wide scanning range light curtain QT series

DADISICK safety light curtain QT series
QT series safety light curtain
A. Light cuain can achieve full protection for the slider can be stopped at any position on the press machine.
B. The light cuain can only achieve upper dead point protection if the slider can not be stopped at any position on the press machine.
C. Realize the regional protection for the indust manipulator, injection molding machines, packaging equipment,automation equipment, assembly wires and other dangerous work area.
D. Used to detect and alarm object.
Resolution Ratio
Depending on the usage environment and requirements, it is impoant to choose the appropriate beam spacing
Finger Protection
Finger Protection
10 diameter
Hand Protection
Hand Protection
20/30/40mm diameter
Arm/body Protection
Arm/body Protection
80/200mm diameter
The Wide Scanning Range Light Curtain QT Series by DADISICK is the ultimate solution for applications that require extended detection coverage and enhanced safety measures. This series is meticulously engineered to provide a wide scanning range, making it ideal for industries where comprehensive hazard detection is paramount.
obrazmodelOpis produktuwięcej


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